School Library Rules are:

  • A student is allowed to borrow only one book at a time and return the same by the date mentioned in the slip. In case the book is not returned without the stipulated period, fine @ Rs. 1/- per reference book and 0.50 Paise for other books will be charged per day. Obtain receipt for fine from the librarian.
  • Absence is no excuse for delay in the return of the book after the expiry of the period of borrowing.
  • Book must be returned in the same condition as they were issued. Any making, under lining or a noting with pencil or ink, tearing away pages/pictures is absolutely forbidden. This unsocial act will be viewed seriously and heavy fine will be imposed upon the users.
  • Borrowed books lost, damaged or wrongly handled will have to be paid the existing plus fine or replaced full price.
  • Books will be issued to the students during the library period as per time table or in free period.
  • Reference books, magazines and other periodicals shall not be issued to the students. They can, however read these books in the library hall.
  • The librarian may ask, call for a book at any time even if the normal period of borrowing has not elapsed.
  • Book will not be issued after February 15 and the books and Library card shall be returned by the end of February every year, in order to facilitate the librarian for annual stock verification, students of class X and XII appearing in Board’s Examination shall return the books and library card by the 1st week of February every year.
  • The staff-members should return all the books/Periodicals a day before the commencement of the Annual Examination of the academic session.
  • The books/periodicals not accounted for in the library registers by the schedules dates shall be taken as lost and the borrower will have to deposit the cost before the close of academic session on March 31st.
  • Strict order and perfect silence should be observed in the library. Create the right atmosphere for the users to avail the maximum benefit of facilities provided.
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